Full name Saŕôskar Dâska, bred by Saŕôs Dâskaldar pack (Firefly) Firefly, you're literally the best!
Stud Option 1 (Stalker)
Relaxed pose (Grove, 3GC) Personality Changer (PS, 100SC)(If Needed)(Create Character Sheet First) Saŕôskar Dâska seems to freeze for a moment before giving an aloof glance in your direction. Looks like it worked! His personality changed from Malicious to Quiet. Aging Crystal (RW 500SC)(Your chosen wolf touches the vibrating crystal. Its energy tears through their body. In a painful explosion of replicating matter, your young pup is now almost an adult.) Cold Cave BG Cold Breath BD (8 GC/5GC+800SC) "Protector" Tribal (8GC) "Wanderers' Drapery" (11GC/5GC+2100SC)(Maybe) White Leg Wraps (9GC/5GC+850SC)(Maybe)