Brad & his younger blind brother, Will.
Unlike many, Will loves to keep an eye on all of the travelers that came thru Minnow Pack
Twigs, the hunter 10th March to 19th March 2023.
Meteor, the adventurer 19th March to 27th March 2023.
Iris, the curious 19th March to ...
Brad's Traits
Gender Male
Eye Color Group Brown
Base Color Group Argent
Personality Selfish
Gender Preference Female





So what's your body.. I mean, dating count? Have you met a lot of wolves? I'm sure they're all very nice, but none are as nice as me.
Ugh, seeing you reminds me of my ex. She was crazy. Not that you're crazy, you just look like her. I'm sure you're nothing like her though. So when's our date?
Your rump fur is so fluffy! You must take great care to make it look so good.
First one to make the other blush wins! I don't know what the prize is but it sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Your eyes are like two sunsets! I mean... green sunsets! They exist, you know.
I could watch you talk for hours. You have such a lovely mouth.