Str3: "During the lesson: Sentaria almost dozed off during a lecture on herb habitats and moisture requirements. Lainey grumpily told her to take a break, even though it was a fascinating topic in her opinion."
Agi1: "During the lesson: Sentaria learned how to efficiently and quietly put paws in specific spots in every possible terrain, including water, without making a sound. Dark Side was impressed, and praised her for her success."
Str2: "During the lesson: Nyx took a particularly fun toy in her mouth before hiding among foliage and large boulders. Sentaria was expected to find and ambush her and the toy would be her reward."
Str3: "During the lesson: Sentaria was in charge of describing everything she saw today while out exploring with Nyx, down to the last detail. She struggled more than she expected, not realizing just how hard it was to rely upon her memory."
Max Marks