Lily was born blind, but always seemed to move with ease around the forest. She always had an interest in plants, and asked her parents to tell her all about them. Little did she know, she was the Deity of the Plants. Well, until she did. After the incident that led her to discover that she was the Deity of the Plants reborn, Lily left her old pack, not wanting to burden them. Something drew her into The Wolf Riders, and it was Sandalwood. They quickly bonded over not being like the other wolves in the pack, because...well, they weren't exactly like normal wolves. Aulani, who also seemed like a deity, though the two could never tell because he always seemed to be a leader first, realized Lily was the Deity of the Plants after she started to help the herbalists out with growing herbs extremely fast. He didn't tell anyone, but eventually, Lily did tell the pack. They didn't mind, though. They were happy to be the pack that the Deity of the Plants chose to live in. And soon, they'd find, that the Deity of Terrain also chose The Wolf Riders as her home.
decor plans:
new hampshire bg
heather crown
silver bracelet
scattered foliage (dry)
relaxed pose