Evenstar is 1/3rds dog, so her blue eyes symbolize. She rather ashamed of this fact, believing it makes her weaker. She left her old home and was guided by Tala who taught her of the proper wolf ways. Her hope is that she can raise a strong and lasting pack. One she can be proud of.
Dipper: She loves Dipper with all her heart. He helps relax her and is always reliable and reassuring. She knows he misses Dusty, the one he related to the most. But Dusty was a liar and a thief. She'll always stand by her choice if asked, but when she looks over at Dipper while he sleeps she does wonder if it was worth it.
Goldenrod: Besides Dipper, Goldenrod was the first wolf Evenstar befriended, they met and, after staring suspiciously at each other, started singing and then playing. Both she and Dipper are quite serious wolves and with the absence of Tala, who brought the mood up when needed, Goldenrod brought the much needed ray of sunshine.
Pheasant: She loves her son but is hesitant to name him heir since he inherited the blue eyes that marks her shame. He fun and with grow strong, but she's hard on him to become stronger. But it may come to pass that he'll never be strong enough.
Harvest: His stoic and silent nature caught the she wolf by surprise. But after dancing around each other like two shy, mute, horses, Harvest really warmed up. They were in need of a scout which his anti-social nature seemed pleased about and she is pleased everytime he puts two sentences together for her sake.
Radiance: She gave the she wolf the name partially to mock her. She finds both the color of her pelt, the brashness of her personality, and the loudness of her ego to be near blinding. It was only through pestering and Evenstar's desire for another hunter that makes Evenstar tolerate her.
Arwen: She was struck by Arwen's gentle and quiet nature, and reassured by her older sisterly advice. Her first instinct was to set Arwen up as pupsitter, but Pheasant didn't need two, so Arwen is the jack of many traits. It's nice to have a she-wolf one can stand.