The dead llider
Calyste arrived in the wild mountains as an inexperienced and young she-wolf. Stunned by this place, she decided to live here permanently and set up her own pack. She met many good wolves, including Hollow and Bear. Encouraged by her fortune, she invited more wolves, not realizing the responsibility she was taking. As a newbie she did not know good hunting places and medicinal herbs, the mountain climate took its toll, and after a short time the clan fell into crisis. The wolves were unsatisfied with the leadership and left her clan... Even the Hollow, with sadness and disappointment left her last. The only wolf left with Calyste was Bear, the oldest and most experienced wolf. Calyste realized that things can't be like that anymore and resolved to correct her mistakes, with Bear's help she sought out Howling Heart who became the Hertbalist. Calyste made sure her companions were full and happy, still longing for Hollow among the trees. She found him and with tears in her eyes she apologized to him and begged for forgivness. Hollow accepted this and backed up to Calyste's side with the promise that their clan would now be a better place.
After she found River she thought that things really going to be better. She tried to protect her but without pupsiter knowledge it was near impossible. Fortunately she found Flickering Dawn who could take care of it in a short time, not knowing that doom already hung over the River and next day she died. Calyste was despairing about this, couldn't believe that happened after all she done to give her pack new life.
She tried to fix everything, but everytime it just were going to be worse. After her pups left she desided to never lead a pack again, She dismissed her friends and began a loner life