The personification of autumn breezes and burning shadows, of secrets in the undergrowth and dead and dying leaves. She smells slightly sweet, like the sap of an injured maple tree, and her voice is as soft and cool as the dark loam underneath its roots.
She appeared without warning, accompanied by an uncommonly chilly smolder-red sunset and a rustling of the detritus that had built up in her fur. She'd followed the scent of need and, without really asking, set herself up in a little glen not far from the pack's resting grounds, quietly taking up the task of Mediciner. Her quiet haven is crowded with herbs both fresh and dried and smells heavily of spices and crushed medicinal powders.
She is here to hone her craft and practices it carefully; it would do her no good to be evicted because one of her concoctions caused more harm than good.
She carries on her forehead the mark of the Red-and-White Sparrow, and has so far passed on this mark to all her children. What this mark means is unknown, but something of power resonates in these wolves...