Adult Level 1 Stats: Strength 110, Speed 122, Agility 158, Wisdom 70, Smarts 81, Total 541
Level 2: +2 speed, +1 strength, +1 wisdom
Level 3: +3 speed, +2 strength, +1 wisdom
Level 4: +4 speed, +2 strength, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts
Level 5: +4 speed, +3 strength, +1 agility, +1 wisdom, +1 smarts
Level 6: +4 speed, +4 strength, +2 wisdom, +1 agility, +1 smarts
Level 7: +6 speed, +4 agility, +2 wisdom, +1 smarts, +1 strength
Level 8: +7 speed, +5 strength, +2 wisdom, +1 agility, +1 smarts
Level 9: +8 speed, +6 agility, +2 wisdom, +1 strength, +1 smarts
Level 10: +7 agility, +7 speed, +2 strength, +2 smarts, +2 wisdom
Level 11: +8 speed, +7 agility, +3 wisdom, +2 smarts, +2 strength
Level 13: +9 speed, +8 agility, +3 wisdom, +2 smarts, +2 strength
7/13/23: You're quite surprised when Hapsi of Lucky 7³ brings you a gift. They say that it's a reminder of your achievements and the respect they hold for you. They don't leave until you confirm that their choice is perfect. (Gained 1x Weasel Carcass! Gained 1x Puffin Feather! Gained 1x Owl Talon! Gained 1x Ibis Feather!)