Faeris is the eldest pup of Shinzu's first litter, and her first son. He's expected to stay in the Farlands until he dies.
Faeris is the wisest of his siblings and in his youth he discussed pupsitting techniques often. Excellent tutor and protection.
He was born aggressive and enjoys bossing his siblings around. Despite his bold approach to caring for pups, younger wolves love him. He has a sisterly love-hate relationship with Bright Eyes. Havoc finds himself constantly bothered and reprimanded by Faeris. Still— Faeris takes time out of his day to play and check on his brothers and sisters when his mother and father do not.
His relationship with his mother is an interesting one. He often spends time with her and isn't shy about what he wants: to become the next pack leader. Shinzu often cleverly dodges the question but Fae is persistent. Overall the two love each other— Shinzu constantly reminding him she does, being a romantic.
Fae's father, Omar, is a stoic male, often showing little affection towards Faeris or any of his pups. The most they've shown a connection is in Faeris's pupsitting lessons. Faeris doesn't want much from his father— not how he unknowingly strives for his mother's approval. Omar secretly wants to show dedication for his pups but doesn't know how.
Fae is indifferent, also, to the fact that Omar is siring another female's puppies. He understands he's a breeding male. The most interest he takes are how he will take care of the pups when they're born.