Original Stats:
Strength - 43
Speed - 44
Agility - 47
Wisdom - 57
Smarts - 60
Total - 251
Equipper Plans:
Mendenhall Glacier - Glacier
Arctic White - Explore
Large Rocks Decor - Recipe
Scattered Rocks - Recipe
Windswept Thrift Petals [White] - Tundra
🖤 Andreas 🖤
The Oreo Prince
Andreas is 1 of only 10 Steele studs in the game and is the only one with 10 markings and merle and inuit. He is gen 3 on his father's side and his mother is an NBW. He is clean bred and of the Penobscot heritage.
He is a brand new stud so his stats are still low, but he is a scout so that will hopefully be changing soon. His price is currently set at 200sc or 2gc but it may change in the future depending on the demand.
(Also, he doesn't yet have all the decor pictured above, but he will soon!)
(0.17%)Base GeneticsMonochrome Medium IIEyesIceSkinBlackNoseMarbledClawsBlackSlot 1White Heavy Husky (75%)Slot 2Black Mantle (69%)Slot 3Black Cross (74%)Slot 4Black Butcher (77%)Slot 5White Inuit Unders (100%)Slot 6Black Carnage (85%)Slot 7Black Limbs (100%)Slot 8White Merle (100%)Slot 9White Cheek Fluff (61%)Slot 10Black Head Stripe (65%)