This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 2 rollovers! She has a nest, and should give birth safely. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Honeydew was born with a coat as pale as the sky. As a young pup, she felt excluded from the games and training of other pups. The prey always saw her coming. Her littermates resented the attention she received from Silent Echoes. However, one day, he led her to a honeydew melon, and offered her a choice: She could remain with her sky-pale pelt, living in luxury and ease, or she could take on another pelt and serve thepack best as she could. She chose the latter, and, while the mice still did scurry away from her, pups felt drawn to her protective figure and she fondly watched over them in turn. To this day, her second pelt grows, the same color as the melon she was offered that fateful day.