Pup Wars Survival Chance: 10%
Phantom Echo got a little too close to an eroding river bank this morning. The ground beneath him gave way, causing him to slip and fall into the river! Thankfully, he made it out mostly unscathed. He grazed his leg against a rather sharp river rock whilst attempting an escape. Oh no! Phantom Echo gained a small injury and suffered -5 HP
Phantom Echo decided to go off and play with a nearby pack's pups without alerting any pack adults. He returns a few hours later, whimpering and with a rather large bite wound on his rump. He claims it was innocent roughhousing, but the nearby pack's adults didn't seem to care for his presence. The wound will heal, but Phantom Echo shouldn't leave the pack without a responsible elder wolf by his side. Oh no! Phantom Echo gained a small injury and suffered -5 HP
During the night, a snake slithered into your den and bit Phantom Echo! Thankfully, the snake didn't seem like it was one of the dangerous ones, and while Phantom Echo is a bit more grumpy this morning, it's better than the alternative. Oh no! Phantom Echo gained a small injury and suffered -1 HP
Phantom Echo returned from playing with the other pack pups, sporting an interesting new bruise on his forehead. He quietly informs you that he doesn't understand how elk can charge head-first at each other without getting hurt. Hopefully Phantom Echo and his friends won't be playing that game again. Oh no! Phantom Echo gained a small injury and suffered -4 HP
A loud yelp woke you in the middle of the night. It seems like an annoying fly decided to make a meal out of Phantom Echo's rump, who was sleeping far from the rest of the pack, unsupervised as usual. After killing the fly, you helped to soothe Phantom Echo back to sleep, before examining his nasty-looking bite. You decide to keep an eye on it for infection. Oh no! Phantom Echo gained a small injury and suffered -5 HP
Phantom Echo got curious and followed an ant trail deep into a wood thicket. Hours later, he returns, thirsty, hungry, and peppered in unsightly bumps. The ants didn't appreciate Phantom Echo kicking up their hill. Who knew so many tiny jaws could hurt so much? Oh no! Phantom Echo gained a small injury and suffered -3 HP