Ice and Fire...
Glacies is a young wolf with lots of hope and ideas. He's ambitious and won't accept a "no" as an answer. He have a rude and harsh attitude.
Traveller rules: (do NOT edit/change in any way, I will check every roll)
Don't keep for more than 7 rolls (a week)
Don't neglect (keep mood and hunger not less than 70%, will send food and amusement if needed)
Roll over every day as soon as possible
Don't chase, send back if you can't take care of him
Don't change name or footnote
Don't keep and block me to prevent me of getting him back
Don't change gender
Don't put base/markings applicators (if you really want to, ask me first and show me the applicator)
Don't change markings opacity
Can add decor if you want (especially if it's fire/ice themed, I love themed decor)
Can add role (hunter: chaser) Do NOT give him other roles apart of that please. Other hunter roles might be fine though.
Can breed
Can pairbond
Will recall if not cared for
Remember to always fill in the template!
Pack link:
Stats when arrived:
Stats when left:
Lore (optional):
Decor added (optional):
(Don't edit the template, copy and paste it)
Pack link:
Stats when arrived: 417
Stats when left:
Lore (optional): Few days after Incendium arrived, FTS pack suffered from draught and a wild fire that caused great damages to the pack's resources. After he arrived, a rumour spread that he was a bad omen among the adolescent trio. The adults were quick to shut the rumours down but still kept an eye on the young wolf to avoid any conflicts due to his harsh attitude.
Decor added (optional): Lunar sparks, Swirling Energy Necklace