One morning Beaverpaw was awoken by his denmates yowling at him. They yowled something about stuff growing on his muzzle. Confused, Beaverpaw stepped outside and looked in a puddle. To his suprise they was really stuff growing on his muzzle. He started yowling and the adults ran to him. After Seiko and Nutshine examinated him they found out what happened. Due to the unusual events and the Crybrids Catfish whiskers were staring to grow. They think it may happen to the other's to. Beaverpaw was 8 Months old when this happened. (Winter Year 4)
Lesson Stalking: Beaver'pup learned how to use the environment to his advantage, to successfully muffle all the sounds he made. Beaver'pup and his littermates were stalking each other, changing their roles from time to time. Lesson Hunting Basics: Beaver'pup chased his first serious prey today, surprised that rabbits can jump that far and that fast. Adults made it look so easy!
Socializing: Beavertail and Petaltail decided to enjoy time swimming together.