Originally from The Gemstone Cafe. Alpha Quat bought triplets from the Trading Center, and this pup was one of them.
--The pup was named Snetch, and it was decided that she would be Myopa's replacement.
--Snetch is siblings with Ketch and Bretch.
--Upon examining the triplets, Maur found that they are related to Der and Niadya through Corvin and/or Corynis.
--Maur found that the triplets are related to Maur, Lamia, and Theri through Cloud; the triplets have Mercedes (from Cloud's line) as their great grandmother, while Theri has Mercedes as her grandmother.
--Maur found that the triplets are related to Balk through Chimera; they are great grandchildren of Chimera.
--Maur found that the triplets are related to Der through Carikae; Carikae is the triplet's great grandfather, while he is Der's grandfather.
--When Snetch became an adolescent, she was moved to the Chain of Diamonds Cave.
--Now that Snetch is an adult, she replaces Myopa as a Laelaps Chaser.
--With Balk retiring, Snetch has become the Lead Hunter of Laelaps. This is because she has the most experience out of the younger wolves in the team.