焚火 Funka, Bonfire
Family Name : 天柏 Tenbyaku 🍃G2
Born to 赤樫 Akagashi and Tenno Hakunekkō in the 1st litter
42年 2春 [Crocus, Water Deer]
Starting Stats : 234
Pup Trained in : +27 Agility, +27 Speed
Puppy Days :
焚火 Funka was always great at getting lost from her pupsitter's sights to the dismay of the adults. It came quite in handy today when 柊 Hiiragi ordered a round of hide and seek and she won easily.
焚火 Funka concentrated on the bumblebee hovering above a large, white flower. Nothing else existed in this very special moment, and 柊 Hiiragi couldn't help but watch in approval.