🌡️~~~> Traveler She-Wolf <~~~🌡️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~🌡️~~~~~~ Rules ~~~~~~🌡️
🌡️ ~ Keep her for approximately 10-15 Roll overs
🌡️ ~ Keep her Mood Up and Make sure she is given food
🌡️ ~ If you are not able to take care of her either move her on or ask of me to take her back! Please do not be worried! Sometimes we all run into struggles my friend!
🌡️ ~ If you are unable to transfer her then please do just let me know! I'll call her back to me!
🌡️ ~ Decor she takes is so heavily appreciated!! [I'll try to give you something small in return!

🌡️ ~ Lore is also appreciated!
🌡️ ~ Keep track of the decor, lore and travel she had gone on in the tracking sheet
🌡️~ Do not change her name, Footnote or anything above what I have wrote.
🌡️Temp're trotted with a most goof of a smile. "Hello my friend! I Travel from pack to pack to help around! I'm a great chaser I sure could be of some help! if you would let me help it would be of my honor! Alpha Rain my home pack leader gave me the gift of travels! It's been my dream!" She gave a small bow.
|| Copy ~ Paste ||
Featherpaw (#71395)
Hawks' Feather Pack
Lore: Temp're came to Hawks' Feather Pack for the beginnings of her travels, as the Alpha, Zegrath, was good friends with Rain. She quickly took up the role of a chaser and hunted well with the pack during her stay. She enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, and the wind rushing through her fur as she ran. She could out run the whole hunting party with ease, chasing down everything from a tiny rabbit to the massive bison that roamed the land. She fell pregnant toward the end of her stay, having to stop her hunting duties the day before she was due to give birth...
Decor: Owl Talon Necklace, Red Oak Branch [Red], Raptor Talons
Stats: 618