This pregnant wolf is not currently nested, and may risk losing puppies if she tries to give birth.
This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 4 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
During the lesson: Today Little Thistle π led Sarder Moonshine 612 π to a place where hiding spots were not so obvious. Sarder Moonshine 612 π had to think out of the box to outsmart Little Thistle π.
During the lesson: Sarder Moonshine 612 π felt that she was almost ready to try a real hunt and begged Little Thistle π to let her. She listened and explained that no matter how talented a pup may be, everyone had to train until they were old enough to move on.
During the lesson: Sarder Moonshine 612 π tried using her tongue to recognize the herb by taste, but Little Thistle π rushed to lecture the class about toxic plants. Better safe than sorry!