This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 4 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Named after Madeline, from Edgar Allan Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher.
Wren and Jonathan's beloved daughter. She seems somewhat somber, if generally gentle...
This is a facade.
In actuality, Madeline is rather malevolent, using connections within the pack to pull off mean-spirited schemes. She's inherited her father's perceptiveness of other wolves' minds and her mother's ease with making friends, so Madeline has an easy time setting other pack members up for failure and embarrassment. She works to cover her trail so that no one ever really suspects her of wrongdoing. On the plus side (?), her machinations are mostly harmless, just indulging her delight at other wolves' short-term humiliation.
Her manipulative nature and disinterest with the spotlight make her an excellent friend to both Regina and Ishtar, as she's able to engineer situations suited to their personalities. All she asks for in return is to be able to watch them bully the other pack members.
Ishtar is Madeline's pair bond, and the two get along famously... which is unfortunate for the rest of the pack. Madeline loves to gas her girl up, enjoying the fights and feats of strength Ishtar engages in at her suggestion.
Madeline, much like her pair bond partner, still loves and respects her own parents. She has nuanced feelings on Lavender as pack leader, but she is full throttle in the belief that her parents have no flaws. As for her siblings, she prefers Roderick over Macbeth. Mac's nice enough, but he tends to catch on to her devious little plans, so he's not very fun to mess with. Roderick, though? Madeline could lie from now 'til next summer and he'd believe everything! It's very adorable.