Core gives out a huff and sits next to you, after a little while you notice they are suddenly gone, you look down to spot an acorn near you! +1 to the relationship!
might be moved up to 3rd or 4th
Likes to see if they can howl louder than Bayleaf (or Bay for short)
2nd helpful pack member
once bit Star during socializing, they STILL haven't gotten over the fact that she (Star) managed to nom onto her tail
She is very sweetish but will also snap in an instant
Most respectable wolf there (cough cough the vulgar ones cough cough/t)
Makes sure to grab water everyday for the other pack members
Will stare at you
Star and them are chaos and also absolute opposites
likes the whole ying and yang type of things
is very interested in immortal wolves
knows how to fight (and is strong, sadly Star found this out the most horrible way when they offered to train)