ID #7886382
This wolf is actively pupsitting - his energy regeneration is paused.
This wolf is a traveling wolf! He is currently being hosted by another player. He is from Children of the Fire and may return at any time.
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
This wolf is a traveling wolf! He is currently being hosted by another player. He is from Children of the Fire and may return at any time.
This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.

Currents | |
Age | 6 years 11½ months (Adult) |
Sex | Male |
Energy |
Mood |
Hunger |
HP |
Personality | Helpful |
Breeding Information | |
Age in Rollovers | 167 |
Pups Bred | 6 pups bred |
Last Bred | 2023-08-19 02:19:28 |
Fertility | N/A |
Heat Cycle | N/A |
Items Applied | None! |
Looks | |
Base | Ebony (0.47%) |
Base Genetics | Muted Dark II |
Eyes | Orange |
Skin | Apollo |
Nose | Lusxnei |
Claws | Apollo |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Slot 1 | White Inverted Agouti (58% : T0) |
Slot 2 | Beige Marbled Unders (54% : T1) |
Slot 3 | Black Rump Edge (74% : T1) |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | Beige Cape Ticking (82% : T0) |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | None |
Slot 8 | White Merle (81% : T2) |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | Ducat Shaded (64% : T6) |
- Eby is a travelling pupsitter so let him be a pupsitter and protect your pups. If you don't have any pups for him to sit and none are to be expected the next rollover, please find another player who might need him.
- Keep him for less than 7 rollovers. Exception: He won't let a helpless pup die, so you are allowed to keep him until that newest litter is safe. He will be reclaimed and the user will be put at a blocklist for him, if abused.
- Please don't neglect him. If you are unable to care for him, give him back to me with the reason or write me for a solution.
- You are allowed to pairbond and breed him. Please link all (former) pairbonds and all pups in the family section of his bio. It would be nice, if you gave the pups names and let him sit them himself, even if you plan to chase them. In this case, you may keep him for 7 additional rollovers.
- Be free to add lore, items or backgrounds or even titels to his name. Please keep "The travelling pupsitter" in his footnote and don't remove any lore.
-Please add you Playername and Pack Name.
- give him back too me, when he is 7 years old
Player(ID): Gwendolyn (ID: #124502)
Pack name: Children of the Fire
length of stay: 1 year (birth pack)
Story: Eby was born with his brother Sery as a child of the hunter Sidia. They were her first litter, so she cared deeply for them and even wanted to stay as a pupsitter. Sadly in preperation for the coming winter, Sidia was forced to remain in her hunting party and let her pups be cared for by Moonchild. He would became Ebys mentor as the young wolf loved his stories and followed his teachings. He loved his younger pack members early on, played with them even as an adolescent and cared for them deeply. One day in summer, the Children of the Fire were visited by a lone pup whom they adopted. He was alone and nearly hurt himself. In a conversation Eby realized that other pups didn't have a protecter and storyteller like he had have in Moonchild. From there on Eby was determined to protect any pup he could help while collecting stories to tell them. He neither saw how hard it is to care for pups nor has he that much experience yet, but he wants to create his own path. Therefore his pack let him live his dream of being a travelling pupsitter.
Player(ID): BloodStar6195 (#81667) (added by Gwendolyn)
Pack name: Ireland Pack
length of stay: 1 day/ 0 rollovers
Story: (added by Gwendolyn) After Eby found his first other pack, he was really happy to stay there for a while and brought some food from his birth pack with him. He expected to stay there for a while and help the new litter of pups, but after he rested there for a while, the wolfs of the pack began to suddenly surround him. He didn't really realised what was going on as they packed his tarvel surplies and sent him back to his home territory. He was crying when he came back to his brother in his home pack and Sery asked quietly, if he didn't want to stay home for now. But the young wolf wasn't one to give up early. In less than a week he left the Children of Fire again, searching for another pack where he could fulfill his dream of becoming a travelling pupsitter.
Player(ID): Blackwidow #43418
Pack name: Adolphus
length of stay: 7 months/14 ROs
Decore: Arctic White, Baltimore Checkerspot, Red Oak Branch [Red], Celtic Astrology [Topaz] - Ogham Trinket
Story: As Eby traveled from his home pack he was soon met upon the borders of a new pack. A pack that called themselves the Adolphous wolves. He was met by Mistletoe who was on a routine scouting mission. "Hello there, I am a traveling pupsitter. Do you by chance have any pups in need of sitting?" He would ask kindly and Mistletoe with mouthful of feathers and herbs nodded. She motioned with her head for him to follow and so he did. Once inside the pack he noticed some hustle and bustle as a new Alpha was to take over the reign in a week's time. Bluejay would greet him. "Hello there, Mistletoe tells me you're a traveling pupsitter." At Eby's nod Bluejay smiled and told him to follow. "In this cave are the pups that need pupsitting. We have a few of our own sitters but as you can see they could use a break." Eby greeted each of them kindly and was happy to help.
During his stay he became close with an older female named Acanthite. She was leader of her hunting party and before they knew what was happening they had six beautiful pups together. Acanthite couldn't shirk from her duties being the leader of the party and all but she spent every night with her little family. Finally came the day he knew he had to leave. "There are other packs out there that need my help. I hate to leave you and the children but I have to. I hope you understand." Acanthite smiled and rubbed her muzzle under his chin and along his cheek in an affectionate gesture. "I understand, you are not the first traveler to come through here and we have had a few of our own. I will make sure the pups remember who you are. Here before you leave." She moved deeper into the den before grabbing something and bringing it back to him laying it before him. "This is considered a good luck charm. May luck find you on your travels and keep you safe from harm." She smiled.
The day he was leaving the new alpha was named along with a new breeder of the pack. He had become slight friends with Shinobi, and the new alpha Norðurljós during his stay. He went to bid both farewell. "Eby before you leave if you could help an elder make a nest it would be greatly appreciated." Norðurljós Asked of him. Eby without a hesitation and a smile upon his face nodded. Turning and heading to help the elder. Once he was done he bid his farewells and left with his trinket of good luck. As he was leaving he heard of the former alphas son Blujay Jr not liking how Norðurljós had been given the pack, and how he might start a revolution. He silently prayed to whatever god the trinket beheld to keep Acanthite and his pups safe.
**You approach Eby to ask if they'd be willing to help an older wolf make a comfortable nest. Without hesitation they agree and trot off in the direction of the older wolf.**
Player(ID): Forsee626 #78733
Pack name: Shadow Slayers
length of stay: 2 months/4 RO
Story: N/A (My story was somehow deleted)
Player(ID): :Gwendolyn (ID: #124502)
Pack name: Children of the Fire
length of stay: 9,5 months/19RO
Decor: Brown Leather Sporran
Story: After travelling for a while, Eby decided to rest a bit in his home pack. There he was already awaited by his mother Sidia and brother Sery. Interestingly enough both of them hadn't found a partner yet, so they were naturally curious how he could let his partner stay alone in her pack. "My dream is it to help as many pups as possible. Even if I have to give up my happiness, I want to help other packs.", he had murmured softly to himself day after day. Now he was able to convince them comfortably of his perspective. The pack leader Faoiltiama was more interested in the stories of other packs. Especially if he had seen some wolves with weird talents. Maybe she wanted to find a wolf with strange abilities like she had herself, maybe she feeled some strange changes in the land around their home.
Eby didn't really care about that, but he appreciated being appointed as a pupsitter again and trusted enough to teach the other wolves a bit. The pups loved his stories of the life in another pack and he began to feel comfortable around his home again. There was enough work with the Children of the Fire, so there wasn't really a reason to resume his travels. Maybe it was some kind of tranquility, he even thought about staying at home and finding a new mate.
Then came the chaos and strange creatures seemed to rule the öand. The land was taken by catastrophes on a detrimental level and their pack leader only managed to safe them through equally strange powers. Their home was burning, all of them were crying, fearing to burn in the fiery forest. As they were fleeing, Eby saw one pup missing and tried to run back, only to be hold back and overtaken by their leader. She didn't seem to burn in the fire and even commanded it to her will while saving the pup. That day, many of them started to revere their leader as a deity, but Eby just swore to never let one of his wards be in such danger again. The times stayed restless with monsters and mysteries crwaling out of every corner, but the pack was prepared for now.
As wolves and especially pups got spirited away and went missing, Eby finally decided to resume his travels. His family tried to stop him, but the wolf knew he was needed now more than ever. "Do you think they won't take you? There were strange wolves getting lost and appearing here, never being able to find their way home. What will you do, if you become one of them and never find us again?", his mother Sidia pleaded with him, but Eby was determined as ever. "I swore an oath to myself to help every pup I can. I already broke my promise once, but with pupsitters and pups going missing left and right, I'm needed there. If I can't find my way back from those strange places, I'll simply stay there and try helping any wolf who got lost like me", he promised and carried on with his journey. As a parting gift his home pack gifted him a strange sporran for taking some things with him.
Player(ID): Following_Suit #119564
Pack name: Winterset Pack
length of stay: 9 rollovers (4 1/2 months)
Story: Eby found himself staying with a group of thick furred mountain wolves known as the Winterset Pack. A kind scout named Tourma had picked him up along her route and invited him to take a rest at her home. He was settled into a den known as the Traveler's Rest but often found himself in the company of the wolves known as the Den Keepers, rather than the scouts he shared a den with.
The Den Keepers were a group of wolves who were well trained in hunting and fighting, but took care of the pack's home while their other skills were not needed. Many of these wolves worked to become pack hunters when an elder needed to retire, but some remained Den Keepers their entire lives, choosing to look after the pack's pups. As a pupsitter himself, Ebay wondered what it was like for the wolves who switched roles, did they miss the playfulness of the pups or was the intense environment of a hunt far too thrilling?
Eby stayed with the pack for a while, helping to watch their pups and share his tales of traveling with the wolves who were curious. Soon enough it was time for him to continue his journey, other pack's had pups that needed help, and the Den Keepers of the Winterset Pack seemed like they got on just fine without him.
Player(ID): Solar Flares #26993
Pack name: The Galactic Ones
length of stay: -
Story: Eby arrived in the grasslands on a cold winter night near the end of December. Traveling at night was risky business considering a lot of wolves were disappearing, and strange wispy lights seemed to try and lure in the traveler. Eby had a strong mind and a strong will. He was able to avoid those lights and break free from the trances they induced. The wisps seemed to die down, then completely vanish once he neared a cedar tree forest in the northern regions of the grasslands. That meant the forest was safe, right? It smelled strongly of a pack, so that gave him reassurance that the forest was at least protected from the lights.
Eby cautiously entered the forest. It seemed eerily quiet, yet there was not just scent evidence of wolves, but fresh pawprints in the snow. It made the brute nervous, but he continued forward. From out of a small bump in the snow, a pale white wolf lunged at Eby, knocking him on his side. He let out a loud yelp, struggling underneath the wolf's paws. They were stronger than him, and faster too. Not wanting to show he was a threat, Eby would attempt to convince the wolf that he meant no harm, and was simply a traveling pupsitter seeking shelter. The wolf backed off of him, but had his focus all on Eby.
"If you are a traveler, then welcome to our pack," He said in a flat tone, looking off to the side. "I don't recommend staying here for long," the male then turned to Eby once more, with a tone growing more serious. "It's not safe here anymore. Even if the king approves of your arrival, you must leave within a week." Eby nodded at his words, feeling even more nervous. At least he got temporary shelter and food, but was this pack cursed or something? Why was that wolf being so ominous?
The traveler would never quite get his answers even when the pack's king approved of his stay. At leasted he made acquaintences with the wolf who first ambushed him. That wolf being Bleached.
Player(ID): Zebree (#128869)
Pack name: Night Keeper Pack
length of stay:
Eby was wandering yet again, and he ran into the Night Keeper Pack's hunting group when a rabbit ran right into his paws. Quickly he killed it, and the hunting party came into view, skilfully leaping over shrubs and roots and dodging branches.
The group's leader's hackles raised, but lowered again when Eby tossed the rabbit over to his paws, uninterested in trying to fight to keep it. Eby introduced himself as a travelling pupsitter and it seemed as if the whole group relaxed
One of the other group members informed Eby that lately they had an influx in the amount of pups they normally have and they were in quite a desperate need for pupsitters. So Eby stayed at the Night Keeper Pack until there were no pups to look after and he then went on his way.
Player(ID):Aqualia (ID: #132012)
Pack name: Alsace
Length of stay: 6 rollovers
Eby journeyed south now, and for many nights he did not eat as the relentless heat battered his paws and muzzle. As he was scampering weakly over desert dunes, he came across an unusually one-eyed she-wolf with a thick orange coat. She started initially when she saw him, but recovered quickly and advanced towards him, stopping short of him by a few paces and whining to show her friendliness.
She quickly recovered her confident disposition and questioned Eby on his presence here. She grinned when he told her of his intent. "We happen to have some pups due very soon, and another litter in another 2 moons or so. You may come stay with us, for as long as you like, we will feed you and care for you in return for your helpfulness. You may feel at home in Alsace." After much travel, they eventually arrived at a much different biome; a forest littered with snow and ice.
And so, the very next sunhigh after Eby had arrived in the forest pack, a litter of 4 was born to Minerva, a hunter. Eby was enthusiastic to help young Spangle, the only pupsitter of Alsace, learn as much as he could.
"We cannot afford to have many pupsitters this winter." Fenris, the lead she-wolf, remarked. "Alsace is new, and this is our first winter season. While we are perfectly compentent to feed ourselves," she added carefully, "any and all prey captured is useful."
And, as predicted, 2 moons later two more puppies were born to another hunter Egg; this was just after Beryl, an older puppy, was resuced and taken in too. Altogehter, 7 puppies were quite a handful for Eby, Spangle, and a third new pupsitter, Pincoya, but the job of caring for them was a rewarding one.
He stayed with Alsace for three moons in total, until Spangle and Pincoya were experienced enough, and the pups strong enough, to not need his help. He parted ways to continue his journey after a warm farewell.
Player(ID): 127699
Pack name: Angel Warriors
length of stay: 1 rollover
Story: The pack welcomed Eby with wagging tails and friendly howls, each member skilled in their unique expertise. Seraphina led Eby to her den, where she carefully tended to his wounds with her knowledge of herbalism. As she worked, a connection formed between them, a bond deeper than the mountains themselves.
As the days passed, Eby became an integral part of the pack, contributing with his hunting prowess and wisdom. The bond between Eby and Seraphina grew stronger, and a subtle, unspoken love blossomed.
Player(ID): 34777
Pack name: ShiningStone
length of stay: 4 rollovers
Story: Eby had a calm visit at ShiningStone pack. There were some pups but not too many to cause stress. His mind often wandered to all the packs he visited previously and the experiences he had and had some time to reflect on what it all meant to him. When he left to find a new pack he had further confidence on his journey and looked forward to it with subtle excitement.
Pack name:
length of stay:
Pack name:
length of stay:
Pack name:
length of stay:
Pack name:
length of stay:
Pack name:
length of stay:
Pack name:
length of stay:
Pack name:
length of stay:
Pack name:
length of stay:
Mother: Sidia (Role: Hunter)
in the same litter
Sery (Role: Hunter)
younger siblings:
- Eby is a travelling pupsitter so let him be a pupsitter and protect your pups. If you don't have any pups for him to sit and none are to be expected the next rollover, please find another player who might need him.
- Keep him for less than 7 rollovers. Exception: He won't let a helpless pup die, so you are allowed to keep him until that newest litter is safe. He will be reclaimed and the user will be put at a blocklist for him, if abused.
- Please don't neglect him. If you are unable to care for him, give him back to me with the reason or write me for a solution.
- You are allowed to pairbond and breed him. Please link all (former) pairbonds and all pups in the family section of his bio. It would be nice, if you gave the pups names and let him sit them himself, even if you plan to chase them. In this case, you may keep him for 7 additional rollovers.
- Be free to add lore, items or backgrounds or even titels to his name. Please keep "The travelling pupsitter" in his footnote and don't remove any lore.
-Please add you Playername and Pack Name.
- give him back too me, when he is 7 years old
Player(ID): Gwendolyn (ID: #124502)
Pack name: Children of the Fire
length of stay: 1 year (birth pack)
Story: Eby was born with his brother Sery as a child of the hunter Sidia. They were her first litter, so she cared deeply for them and even wanted to stay as a pupsitter. Sadly in preperation for the coming winter, Sidia was forced to remain in her hunting party and let her pups be cared for by Moonchild. He would became Ebys mentor as the young wolf loved his stories and followed his teachings. He loved his younger pack members early on, played with them even as an adolescent and cared for them deeply. One day in summer, the Children of the Fire were visited by a lone pup whom they adopted. He was alone and nearly hurt himself. In a conversation Eby realized that other pups didn't have a protecter and storyteller like he had have in Moonchild. From there on Eby was determined to protect any pup he could help while collecting stories to tell them. He neither saw how hard it is to care for pups nor has he that much experience yet, but he wants to create his own path. Therefore his pack let him live his dream of being a travelling pupsitter.
Player(ID): BloodStar6195 (#81667) (added by Gwendolyn)
Pack name: Ireland Pack
length of stay: 1 day/ 0 rollovers
Story: (added by Gwendolyn) After Eby found his first other pack, he was really happy to stay there for a while and brought some food from his birth pack with him. He expected to stay there for a while and help the new litter of pups, but after he rested there for a while, the wolfs of the pack began to suddenly surround him. He didn't really realised what was going on as they packed his tarvel surplies and sent him back to his home territory. He was crying when he came back to his brother in his home pack and Sery asked quietly, if he didn't want to stay home for now. But the young wolf wasn't one to give up early. In less than a week he left the Children of Fire again, searching for another pack where he could fulfill his dream of becoming a travelling pupsitter.
Player(ID): Blackwidow #43418
Pack name: Adolphus
length of stay: 7 months/14 ROs
Decore: Arctic White, Baltimore Checkerspot, Red Oak Branch [Red], Celtic Astrology [Topaz] - Ogham Trinket
Story: As Eby traveled from his home pack he was soon met upon the borders of a new pack. A pack that called themselves the Adolphous wolves. He was met by Mistletoe who was on a routine scouting mission. "Hello there, I am a traveling pupsitter. Do you by chance have any pups in need of sitting?" He would ask kindly and Mistletoe with mouthful of feathers and herbs nodded. She motioned with her head for him to follow and so he did. Once inside the pack he noticed some hustle and bustle as a new Alpha was to take over the reign in a week's time. Bluejay would greet him. "Hello there, Mistletoe tells me you're a traveling pupsitter." At Eby's nod Bluejay smiled and told him to follow. "In this cave are the pups that need pupsitting. We have a few of our own sitters but as you can see they could use a break." Eby greeted each of them kindly and was happy to help.
During his stay he became close with an older female named Acanthite. She was leader of her hunting party and before they knew what was happening they had six beautiful pups together. Acanthite couldn't shirk from her duties being the leader of the party and all but she spent every night with her little family. Finally came the day he knew he had to leave. "There are other packs out there that need my help. I hate to leave you and the children but I have to. I hope you understand." Acanthite smiled and rubbed her muzzle under his chin and along his cheek in an affectionate gesture. "I understand, you are not the first traveler to come through here and we have had a few of our own. I will make sure the pups remember who you are. Here before you leave." She moved deeper into the den before grabbing something and bringing it back to him laying it before him. "This is considered a good luck charm. May luck find you on your travels and keep you safe from harm." She smiled.
The day he was leaving the new alpha was named along with a new breeder of the pack. He had become slight friends with Shinobi, and the new alpha Norðurljós during his stay. He went to bid both farewell. "Eby before you leave if you could help an elder make a nest it would be greatly appreciated." Norðurljós Asked of him. Eby without a hesitation and a smile upon his face nodded. Turning and heading to help the elder. Once he was done he bid his farewells and left with his trinket of good luck. As he was leaving he heard of the former alphas son Blujay Jr not liking how Norðurljós had been given the pack, and how he might start a revolution. He silently prayed to whatever god the trinket beheld to keep Acanthite and his pups safe.
**You approach Eby to ask if they'd be willing to help an older wolf make a comfortable nest. Without hesitation they agree and trot off in the direction of the older wolf.**
Player(ID): Forsee626 #78733
Pack name: Shadow Slayers
length of stay: 2 months/4 RO
Story: N/A (My story was somehow deleted)
Player(ID): :Gwendolyn (ID: #124502)
Pack name: Children of the Fire
length of stay: 9,5 months/19RO
Decor: Brown Leather Sporran
Story: After travelling for a while, Eby decided to rest a bit in his home pack. There he was already awaited by his mother Sidia and brother Sery. Interestingly enough both of them hadn't found a partner yet, so they were naturally curious how he could let his partner stay alone in her pack. "My dream is it to help as many pups as possible. Even if I have to give up my happiness, I want to help other packs.", he had murmured softly to himself day after day. Now he was able to convince them comfortably of his perspective. The pack leader Faoiltiama was more interested in the stories of other packs. Especially if he had seen some wolves with weird talents. Maybe she wanted to find a wolf with strange abilities like she had herself, maybe she feeled some strange changes in the land around their home.
Eby didn't really care about that, but he appreciated being appointed as a pupsitter again and trusted enough to teach the other wolves a bit. The pups loved his stories of the life in another pack and he began to feel comfortable around his home again. There was enough work with the Children of the Fire, so there wasn't really a reason to resume his travels. Maybe it was some kind of tranquility, he even thought about staying at home and finding a new mate.
Then came the chaos and strange creatures seemed to rule the öand. The land was taken by catastrophes on a detrimental level and their pack leader only managed to safe them through equally strange powers. Their home was burning, all of them were crying, fearing to burn in the fiery forest. As they were fleeing, Eby saw one pup missing and tried to run back, only to be hold back and overtaken by their leader. She didn't seem to burn in the fire and even commanded it to her will while saving the pup. That day, many of them started to revere their leader as a deity, but Eby just swore to never let one of his wards be in such danger again. The times stayed restless with monsters and mysteries crwaling out of every corner, but the pack was prepared for now.
As wolves and especially pups got spirited away and went missing, Eby finally decided to resume his travels. His family tried to stop him, but the wolf knew he was needed now more than ever. "Do you think they won't take you? There were strange wolves getting lost and appearing here, never being able to find their way home. What will you do, if you become one of them and never find us again?", his mother Sidia pleaded with him, but Eby was determined as ever. "I swore an oath to myself to help every pup I can. I already broke my promise once, but with pupsitters and pups going missing left and right, I'm needed there. If I can't find my way back from those strange places, I'll simply stay there and try helping any wolf who got lost like me", he promised and carried on with his journey. As a parting gift his home pack gifted him a strange sporran for taking some things with him.
Player(ID): Following_Suit #119564
Pack name: Winterset Pack
length of stay: 9 rollovers (4 1/2 months)
Story: Eby found himself staying with a group of thick furred mountain wolves known as the Winterset Pack. A kind scout named Tourma had picked him up along her route and invited him to take a rest at her home. He was settled into a den known as the Traveler's Rest but often found himself in the company of the wolves known as the Den Keepers, rather than the scouts he shared a den with.
The Den Keepers were a group of wolves who were well trained in hunting and fighting, but took care of the pack's home while their other skills were not needed. Many of these wolves worked to become pack hunters when an elder needed to retire, but some remained Den Keepers their entire lives, choosing to look after the pack's pups. As a pupsitter himself, Ebay wondered what it was like for the wolves who switched roles, did they miss the playfulness of the pups or was the intense environment of a hunt far too thrilling?
Eby stayed with the pack for a while, helping to watch their pups and share his tales of traveling with the wolves who were curious. Soon enough it was time for him to continue his journey, other pack's had pups that needed help, and the Den Keepers of the Winterset Pack seemed like they got on just fine without him.
Player(ID): Solar Flares #26993
Pack name: The Galactic Ones
length of stay: -
Story: Eby arrived in the grasslands on a cold winter night near the end of December. Traveling at night was risky business considering a lot of wolves were disappearing, and strange wispy lights seemed to try and lure in the traveler. Eby had a strong mind and a strong will. He was able to avoid those lights and break free from the trances they induced. The wisps seemed to die down, then completely vanish once he neared a cedar tree forest in the northern regions of the grasslands. That meant the forest was safe, right? It smelled strongly of a pack, so that gave him reassurance that the forest was at least protected from the lights.
Eby cautiously entered the forest. It seemed eerily quiet, yet there was not just scent evidence of wolves, but fresh pawprints in the snow. It made the brute nervous, but he continued forward. From out of a small bump in the snow, a pale white wolf lunged at Eby, knocking him on his side. He let out a loud yelp, struggling underneath the wolf's paws. They were stronger than him, and faster too. Not wanting to show he was a threat, Eby would attempt to convince the wolf that he meant no harm, and was simply a traveling pupsitter seeking shelter. The wolf backed off of him, but had his focus all on Eby.
"If you are a traveler, then welcome to our pack," He said in a flat tone, looking off to the side. "I don't recommend staying here for long," the male then turned to Eby once more, with a tone growing more serious. "It's not safe here anymore. Even if the king approves of your arrival, you must leave within a week." Eby nodded at his words, feeling even more nervous. At least he got temporary shelter and food, but was this pack cursed or something? Why was that wolf being so ominous?
The traveler would never quite get his answers even when the pack's king approved of his stay. At leasted he made acquaintences with the wolf who first ambushed him. That wolf being Bleached.
Player(ID): Zebree (#128869)
Pack name: Night Keeper Pack
length of stay:
Eby was wandering yet again, and he ran into the Night Keeper Pack's hunting group when a rabbit ran right into his paws. Quickly he killed it, and the hunting party came into view, skilfully leaping over shrubs and roots and dodging branches.
The group's leader's hackles raised, but lowered again when Eby tossed the rabbit over to his paws, uninterested in trying to fight to keep it. Eby introduced himself as a travelling pupsitter and it seemed as if the whole group relaxed
One of the other group members informed Eby that lately they had an influx in the amount of pups they normally have and they were in quite a desperate need for pupsitters. So Eby stayed at the Night Keeper Pack until there were no pups to look after and he then went on his way.
Player(ID):Aqualia (ID: #132012)
Pack name: Alsace
Length of stay: 6 rollovers
Eby journeyed south now, and for many nights he did not eat as the relentless heat battered his paws and muzzle. As he was scampering weakly over desert dunes, he came across an unusually one-eyed she-wolf with a thick orange coat. She started initially when she saw him, but recovered quickly and advanced towards him, stopping short of him by a few paces and whining to show her friendliness.
She quickly recovered her confident disposition and questioned Eby on his presence here. She grinned when he told her of his intent. "We happen to have some pups due very soon, and another litter in another 2 moons or so. You may come stay with us, for as long as you like, we will feed you and care for you in return for your helpfulness. You may feel at home in Alsace." After much travel, they eventually arrived at a much different biome; a forest littered with snow and ice.
And so, the very next sunhigh after Eby had arrived in the forest pack, a litter of 4 was born to Minerva, a hunter. Eby was enthusiastic to help young Spangle, the only pupsitter of Alsace, learn as much as he could.
"We cannot afford to have many pupsitters this winter." Fenris, the lead she-wolf, remarked. "Alsace is new, and this is our first winter season. While we are perfectly compentent to feed ourselves," she added carefully, "any and all prey captured is useful."
And, as predicted, 2 moons later two more puppies were born to another hunter Egg; this was just after Beryl, an older puppy, was resuced and taken in too. Altogehter, 7 puppies were quite a handful for Eby, Spangle, and a third new pupsitter, Pincoya, but the job of caring for them was a rewarding one.
He stayed with Alsace for three moons in total, until Spangle and Pincoya were experienced enough, and the pups strong enough, to not need his help. He parted ways to continue his journey after a warm farewell.
Player(ID): 127699
Pack name: Angel Warriors
length of stay: 1 rollover
Story: The pack welcomed Eby with wagging tails and friendly howls, each member skilled in their unique expertise. Seraphina led Eby to her den, where she carefully tended to his wounds with her knowledge of herbalism. As she worked, a connection formed between them, a bond deeper than the mountains themselves.
As the days passed, Eby became an integral part of the pack, contributing with his hunting prowess and wisdom. The bond between Eby and Seraphina grew stronger, and a subtle, unspoken love blossomed.
Player(ID): 34777
Pack name: ShiningStone
length of stay: 4 rollovers
Story: Eby had a calm visit at ShiningStone pack. There were some pups but not too many to cause stress. His mind often wandered to all the packs he visited previously and the experiences he had and had some time to reflect on what it all meant to him. When he left to find a new pack he had further confidence on his journey and looked forward to it with subtle excitement.
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Mother: Sidia (Role: Hunter)
in the same litter
Sery (Role: Hunter)
younger siblings:
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
77 | 57 | 59 |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
81 | 59 | 333 |
Birth Information | |
Moon | ![]() |
Season | ![]() |
Biome | Deciduous Forest |
Decorations and Background |
None equippedDecorations
Proficiency | |
Hunting: Stalking | |
Hunting: Chasing | |
Hunting: Finishing | |
Scouting | |
Herbalism | |
Pupsitting |
Statistic | Count |
Total Number of Scouts | 0 |
Total Number of Hunts | 0 |
Successful Hunts | 0 |
Total Number of Lessons Taught | 2 |
Pupsitting Information | |
Pupsitting Proficiency |
Total Protection | 100% |
In current pack for 6 rollovers
Wolf created on 2023-07-14 10:39:29