Currents | |
Age | 6 years 0½ months (Adult) |
Sex | Male |
Energy |
Mood |
Hunger |
HP |
Personality | Confident |
Breeding Information | |
Age in Rollovers | 145 |
Pups Bred | 5 pups bred |
Last Bred | 2020-12-05 20:03:38 |
For Stud | Yes |
Stud Price | 110 |
Items Applied | None! |
Looks | |
Base | Gold Darker (1.35%) |
Base Genetics | Warm Medium I |
Eyes | Brown |
Skin | Light |
Nose | Bistre |
Claws | Dark |
Mutation | None |
Secondary Mutation | None |
Carrier Status | Unknown |
Variant | Default |
Slot 1 | None |
Slot 2 | None |
Slot 3 | None |
Slot 4 | None |
Slot 5 | None |
Slot 6 | None |
Slot 7 | Beige Cape Ticking (84% : T0) |
Slot 8 | None |
Slot 9 | None |
Slot 10 | None |
Accent: Scottish Accent
Favorite Packmate: Irish Belle
Other: Found love with Irish
Quote: "I, too, can do anything."
~Falcon Rises~
Falcon Rises, or commonly just Falcon, left his pack when he became an adult. His birth pack, The Valley Void Pack, had become too overbearing and strict to where soft pink and dark creatures were. The creatures purposely entered yellow-boxes which dug up dirt. Falcon was curious about them, but his Alpha, Angel's Portion, wouldn't allow him or his friend, Knight of Valor, to wander close to the yellow-boxes. He had warned them that it was dangerous when they had asked him if they could go.
"Danger," Falcon scoffed, "I spit in danger's eye."
As the night waned, Falcon woke up Knight for them to explore the yellow-boxes together.
"What about the sentries?" Knight had asked, "surely she'll spot us."
"We'll be fine, just follow me." Falcon shrugged.
They had crossed only the camp and were well away from the exit of the cave when Angel stood in their path. His dark mottled grey pelt had hidden him from the two young wolves' eyesight until he moved in front of them, blocking their way out.
"Where are you two sneaking out to?" Angel asked coolly, his black eyes seemed to stare into their souls.
"Bathroom?" Knight answered, but the unsurety was clear in his voice. He rapidly tried to fix it. "Well, uh, sir, we weren't technically 'sneaking' we were just, uh, um, not wanting to wake up any of the other wolves...because of...hunting-stuff takes, um, energy?"
"I told you not to visit the yellow-boxes." Angel ignored the lie. "Disobedience will not be tolerated. A fair beating will sort you two out and teach you a lesson."
During the Alpha's judgement of their punishment, Falcon felt a rage boiling inside of him. He wanted to gnash at Angel's throat and feel the sweet taste of blood. Instinctively his hackles began to rise and his muscles bunched for the pounce. The rage felt good, but his common sense knew that he'd be killed instead of being the killer. Angel was too big for him. He lowered his hackles, but his muscles were still taut.
"Well I'm not going to get a beating." Falcon snapped. "I'm sick of being under your dictatorship and I'm leaving!" Falcon spat. His brain never thought of what he was saying. It was his anger speaking from his deep pit of rebellion and hate for Angel. "I was never going to return to be your little puppy-dog for you to order around to do this and that! I'd rather die and my soul be cursed than to be your dumb slave!"
His lip curled and the commotion had awaken most of the pack. He didn't care that they were watching him. His only focus was the alpha. He could tell that Angel expected him to spring for his throat. Instead Falcon resisted the temptation and turned towards his snowy friend. "Are you going to come with me and be free or rot in his," he gestured to Angel, "prison?"
Knight paused. He was still an adolescent and didn't know what to do without a pack. His family was here. Yes, Angel could be aggressive and jealous. But he was also protective of his pack and did care for their welfare. He was just and had some sense of morals. In all, Angel was a good alpha. It was just that he and Falcon never saw eye to eye.
Knight shook his head. "I can't go, Falcon. I'm too young and unexperienced. I'd die out there. I'm sorry, friend."
"Fine then, rot for all I care!" Falcon shouted.
He then sped around Angel's large frame and to the exit. He noticed that there was no-one chasing after him. His eyes watered. He'd never see his family again, or his friends. He cursed them and especially Knight. Why wouldn't he come? Why did he abandon him to be alone? He cursed his friend's name again, but kept on running. More tears dripped down face. His home was there with the ones he'd love and deep inside him he knew that he hadn't left, but was instead banished.
He forgot about the yellow-boxes. Oh how he wished they had never existed. He wished that he had never said those things and had never felt that anger. Guilt. Shame. Loneliness. The jolt of them all together made him stop at a familiar pond. He and his friends had swam in it many times. He looked at his reflection. Oh why did I have to be so pig-headed? I could return and beg for mercy, he thought. No, Angel is too just for that. He'd either kill me, banish me or make my life not worth living. Again he regretted seeing the yellow-boxes.
There he sat and contemplated himself, his life, his future, past and present. He didn't notice the sun rising nor the forest waking up. He knew that the pond was too close to the yellow-boxes for any wolves to appear. He was safe from them. A loud sound broke his train of thought. His ears perked up at it. It was them, the yellow-boxes, they were awake and with people.
He crept closer to the noise and curiosity stirred again. He slowly ascended the hill and crouched behind a log. Only his eyes and ears could be seen peeked over the oak. The creatures spoke loudly and had strange things on their heads. Their fur was bright and shiny and they all stunk. He did smell something good. He pin-pointed a crispy thing that one of the pink creatures shoved into its mouth. I can take on him, Falcon decided. He crept close to the man until another creatures shouted and pointed at him. Suddenly all of the pink and dark creatures gathered towards Falcon whose tail shrunk between his legs. He turned quickly around--too quickly and with too much power. He had knocked himself cold by bonking his head on a strange pile of rectangular red stone.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Falcon heard only beeps. Or were they chirps? What were they? The noise was weird. He opened his dark eyes to find another pink creature. Feminine. She had orange hair that reached her back and something was in her hand. It was rectangular, smooth-looking and black. Beep. Beep. Whenever her paw touched the rectangle another beep would come. Strange, he thought. He searched his surroundings. It was a white room with a pattered floor and ceiling. The smell of something weird was in the air, but he couldn't place it. The woman saw that he was awake and held her paw to his nose. He sniffed her. Chicken and grease.
"Sorry, boy," she said. "Doc said to keep you under."
She took a long needle and stuck it in his neck. He was too tired to fight. The last few days had been too stressful for him.
"And that's all I can remember from whence you found me." Falcon said, sadly. "I wish I knew what happened."
"That's fine." Watchman assured. "It is okay that you did, but you do know that you didn't have to tell me your past, right?"
"I know. I wanted you to know about my relationship with my last alpha." Falcon said. "You know, so that you know you want me or not."
"I want you." Watchman nodded. "Do you want us?"
Birth Stats | ||
Strength | Speed | Agility |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Wisdom | Smarts | Total |
Unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Birth Information | |
Moon | Unknown |
Season | Unknown |
Biome | Unknown |
Decorations and Background |
None equippedDecorations
None equipped!
None equipped!
Proficiency | |
Hunting: Stalking | |
Hunting: Chasing | |
Hunting: Finishing | |
Scouting | |
Herbalism | |
Pupsitting |
Statistic | Count |
Total Number of Scouts | 0 |
Total Number of Hunts | 36 |
Successful Hunts | 10 |
Total Number of Lessons Taught | 0 |