I'll give it all I got, that is my plan

To turn my life around, today is the day
He's truly a helping wolf, always willing to do anything for the pack, from bringing herbs to fighting off enemies.
As much as Morrowseer hated the idea of raising the bastardly spawn of Sunborn and some outsider, she just couldn't resist this little one's sweetness. Sunborn is always explaining that he is not the boy's father, but she doesn't believe it, the fact that Newsun was too young to remember his father's face is not much of a help either. Morrowseer, however, grew to love the pup quickly, and would do anything for him just as she would for her own offspring.
Newsun is a trusty and kind soul, he's always up to help anyond in need of good advice, helping words or a shoulder to cry. He won't judge you, and won't tell your secrets to anyone, he'll be kind but also scold when you're in the wrong, and tell you what you could do.