plan for the baby <3
Add honey medium/heavy husky marking to slot 8 (30 opacity)
Add cream underfur to slot 10 (60 opacity)
Add artic tundra BG
Add squirrel carcass decor
original appearance
Winona was born into The Mountains in the Badahs Pack under Juniper's reign.
Being born to Sequoia and Walela, the heirs of Juniper, she was next in line after them. She happily accepted the role, confident in herself that she'd become a wonderful Lead after them. Sequoia was very confident and kind, and Walela was very capable and a little protective, and Winona inherited all of their personality. ....Along with quite a bit of stubbornness.
As an adolescent, she started training to become a Hunter. She wanted to prove herself as a capable wolf, and since her parents were Scouts and the pack didn't need a third Scout, she decided to train to become a Chaser. She wasn't the fastest, but she was determined and great at scaring prey into sprinting and wearing them down.