During the lesson: Rust built a small obstacle course. Little Lavender was required to remain undetected and surprise a packmate resting at the end.
During the lesson: Lou showed Little Lavender that every time they take a herb from nature, they must put a small piece of it back into the earth. This is so the herb can sprout again and continue to provide what the pack needs.
During the lesson: Today, Lou convinced some ospreys to chase Little Lavender out in the open plains. The real, physical threat of the talons really motivated little paws to do their best.
During the lesson: Prey will not necessarily be easy to take down even once they are caught, so Hank decided it was time for some strength training for Little Lavender. She gripped as tightly as she could to Hank's back while he shook and thrashed as much as he could to try and loosen Little Lavender's grip.
During the lesson: Chasing birds can be a lot of fun, but it took forever today for any to show up and Little Lavender ended up being bored. She decided to use a different nesting material for the next lesson.
During the lesson: To Little Lavender's surprise, Chrome found her quite quickly today. Little Lavender was reminded to mind her tail while hiding, because energetic wagging can be easily heard and seen.