This pregnant wolf is not currently nested, and may risk losing puppies if she tries to give birth.
This wolf is pregnant! Her energy regeneration has slowed. She will give birth in 1 rollover! This wolf is a traveling wolf! She is currently in her home pack. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Traveling rules
╠Message me if you breed her
╠Dont remove any of her marking
╠Dont keep her for more than 5 rollovers
╠Dont neglect her,if you need food or toy for her I send you some
╠You can add her markings
╠You can add decor
╠You can breed her with any stud
╠You can add lore
In case you add lore please add your name to it so I know who wrote it.
Form to fill out
Role the traveler was used in:
Tollovers spebt in the Pack
Decor added: