Rani originates from colder climates than the ones Golden Thorns reside in, so her dense coat often causes her to become too warm. She spent months searching for her new home, though she was never chased away from her old one, Rani simply wanted to start fresh in a new pack. She still fondly remembers her former pack, while still adjusting to being a part of the Golden Thorns.
Caramel browns and warm greys are woven throughout her soft, silky coat, with some darker hues around her hindquarters. She sports a set of captivating silvery white eyes, which appear to glow in darker lighting. Averagely sized for a wolf, and her natural, well camoflauged, coat, both help her excell as the huntress she is.
A wise adult wolf, Rani happily shares her knowledge with others in the pack. She is often the one left in charge with finding prey, being a member of the hunting party, and having keen observation skills. Though she is smart and gifted at hunting, she doesn't boast about it. Instead, she's rather insecure, and feels as though she could do better often times.