Larkspur was born to
Elegy and
Lacuna in their first and only litter. She has a quite gloomy mood most of the time, usually only talking to wolves she knows. She's close with her littermate,
Vesper. Larkspur usually prefers to be off on her own when not on a hunting excursion. She is a chaser in the Meadow Hunting Group.
With Sylvan overseeing the ordeal, Larkspur had to organize, coordinate and help the group move an entire fallen log out of the den. Tiny pups lack the strength on their own, but cooperating as a team can get things done!
Your chosen wolf curiously inspects the changed pattern on their fur! (Slot 1: 22% to 80%, Slot 5: 26% to 90%, Slot 8: 18% to 40%)
Wardrobe Link
Original Appearance