In Quailchaser's last months as alpha, the pack was in the process of moving from the rainforest to the newly discovered glacier territory. Shriketalon, who had dispersed from her pack in the tundra, joined Lassen Pack. The only wolf familiar with the arctic climates, she was a valuable guide and the pack began to depend on her more, especially as Quailchaser tended to her last litter. With Quailchaser dead, Shriketalon was the most suited to lead Lassen pack into a new era. Her personality led her to be too trusting of Waspflight, who tried to challenge her claim, first sowing dislike of her through their packmates, but she was quickly able to snuff out the opposition. To this day, she doesn't get along with Waspflight.
"Shriketalon and Sleekmarten have perfectly matched singing voices—you could hear it from far away!"