遠吠え Tōboe, Howling
Family Name : Tenbyaku 天柏 🍃G2
Born to 赤樫 Akagashi and Tenno Hakunekkō in the 4th litter
45年 3秋 Chrysanthemum
Starting Stats : 324
Pup Trained in : ???
Bred with Corvus III
After hunting and taking down a doe with 黒角 Kurosumi and the others, 遠吠え Tōboe felt tireless. Wanting to explore and see more of the world she snuck away when no one was watching. She ran and ran. Taking enjoyment in her new found freedom. But her enjoyment was short lived in her head, thinking of her family and her pack constantly. Trying not to feel guilty with the thought that she'd return to her pack she continued on. She'd be back in no time…
遠吠え Tōboe soon found herself in the territory of another wolf pack. To her surprise it was her father's pack! It was run a bit differently but 遠吠え Tōboe had fun learning about her father's pack. But soon there came a wolf … a roaming male by the name of Corvus III
Two and half months later 遠吠え Tōboe came back to the pack and with a whole litter of pups in toe!