Ancient Relic || offers you a gift with a fake smile and you know that it's either stolen or forcefully taken from someone else. 30/09/23
You catch Ancient Relic || whispering some nasty gossip to a packmate. They notice you but don't seem to care. 3\10\23
Ancient Relic || offers you a gift with a fake smile and you know that it's either stolen or forcefully taken from someone else.
+1 to Relationship
Gained 1x Duck Feather! 5/10/23
You catch Ancient Relic || whispering some nasty gossip to a packmate. They notice you but don't seem to care. 6/10/23
You catch Ancient Relic || whispering some nasty gossip to a packmate. They notice you but don't seem to care.
+1 to Relationship 7/10/23
You find Ancient Relic || antagonising a mouse. They're smushing it between their paws and when it squeaks they let it go before trapping it once again. They seem to find joy in this game. 10/10/23
You find Ancient Relic || antagonising a mouse. They're smushing it between their paws and when it squeaks they let it go before trapping it once again. They seem to find joy in this game. 14/10/23