agoskt (uhgh-ohskt)
smoke-eaten sunset
amiable: text
trait: text
trait: text
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name: text
Agoskt and Hrylek decided to enjoy time swimming together.
Agoskt and chaser 1 return deep in conversation about their preferred chasing techniques.
Agoskt and Mesarcou return deep in conversation about their preferred herbalist techniques.
Agoskt looks excited to see you and asks if you're free for a chat. You're busy right now, but maybe later.
Hrylek and Agoskt have perfectly matched singing voices—you could hear it from far away!
Nothing brings two wolves together more than an unexpected gift. Agoskt happily drops something at your paws, greeting you with a short, friendly lick.
Agoskt and Heerak return deep in conversation about their preferred stalking techniques.
Maelusa and Agoskt return deep in conversation about their preferred stalking techniques.