🦌Screeching Silence line
Unexpectedly, Puffin brings you something that looks like a gift. You are about to thank them but Puffin comments that it's only something you need, nothing special.
Gained 1x Puffin Feather!
Today Velvet on Stag's Antlers led Puffin to a place where hiding spots were not so obvious. Puffin had to think out of the box to outsmart Velvet on Stag's Antlers.
Puffin's skill definitely showed much improvement after the lesson today. Mongoose didn't hear anything and let out a surprised bark when Puffin jumped at him after sneaking up behind him.
Puffin waited patiently for the right moment while observing a mouse, and he caught it in one smooth movement. With his skills improving that quickly, Callisto could already see Puffin's future as a mighty hunter.
Your hunting party, Legacy 🦉, returned from their hunt. Unfortunately a couple of members of your hunting party got into a disagreement, resulting in losing the scent of the prey.
Gained 1x Scar: Wrist [Left]
Oh no! Puffin gained a small injury and suffered -5 HP
Oh no! Smoldering Bracken gained a small injury and suffered -4 HP
Oh no! Frozen Night gained a small injury and suffered -1 HP