Sex change
Name: Calypso (moon of Saturn, nymph with dramatic Greek mythology I'm iffy on), Styx (goddess and river of the underworld, satellite of Pluto), Nix (moon orbiting Pluto, "in Germanic mythology, a water being, half human, half fish", goddess and personification of the night)
Base: Abyssal, Cynthia, Losna, Umbra,
Eyes: Spectral, Solar Eclipse, Enzyme, Neomenia, other lunar eyes
V 1 WIP Umbra, Enzyme
V 2 WIP Umbra, Solar Eclipse
V 3 WIP Umbra, Neomenia
V 4 WIP Umbra, Neomenia (very purple)
V 5 WIP Umbra, Neomenia (darker, more dramatic)
V 6 WIP Umbra, Neomenia, very "personification of the night" (prefer)
BG (dark/night with water): Beaver Blood Moon, Dark Mangrove Forest, Hidden Passage, (cont.), Lunar Night Sky, Night Newfoundland Shore, Silent Autumn Night, Sunset bgs,
CD: Glittering darkness,