This wolf has a mutation or secondary mutation that causes blindness! Unfortunately, he can never lead the pack, participate in training, become an apprentice or perform a role. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
One frosty morning, the pup woke up, opened his eyes, and saw nothing of the world around him. He listened to the sounds around him, the rumbling chest of his sleeping mother, the stirring noises of his pack mates, the little "woofs " of his puppy friends. He sniffed the air, taking in the fresh pine air wafting into the cave, the musty heat radiating off of the nearby wolves, and the damp fresh mist outside the cave.
As he has grown, he has learned to navigate his way around the pack's base camps. He never complains and helps out as much as he can. His packmates were initially worried about his ability to keep up, but those worries have eased. He is known as the camp master, keeping things in order, helping mind pups, passing on messages as packmates come and go, and helping organize the pack's travels through different areas of their territory.