Nivea is the Phantom Clan's colorful personality. She is obnoxious, in your face, and will pick a fight.
She is one of the two founders of the clan, the other being more suited to lead than her. So Nivea leads the hunting parties. Despite a need for more hunters, new members have been allocated to everything but hunting. Could it have to do with, her not getting along with them?
She does have one hunting buddy to back her up, Ashe. Ashe's personality is incredibly quiet, and easygoing. He's probably one of the only clan members that can long-term get along with her. So them two are the clan's sole hunters so far, aside from what Morrigan brings in on her own.
Ashe- Nivea chuckles "He screws up a lot but he's the only one who seems to tolerate me, so I'm stuck with him." She winks at Ashe.
Shara- "Shara you lazy fool"

Nivea doesn't like some of the advice he gives to others. She never asks for any herself.
Rufus- Grrrr
Cyan- This stuck up cougar deeeefinitely thinks she's better than me
Honey- "Honey and I could wipe out and entire pack singlehandedly, I know it" They get along, Nivea wishes she would join her in hunting, but Honey insists on staying and taking care of the babies. Nivea criticizes her for it.