Ad: 🌸Spend some time with Anemone!🌸 [link] Peach (T2) White Merle Stud! 10M, VLF Friendly, 639 stats - 150
Or 2
Bought: December 8th, 2020 from user #10157! (Thank you)
Paid: 850 SC, 2 GC, Tapeworm Remedy, Constipation Cure, Pox Palm, Open Wound Salve, Infection Balm, 2 Cure For Alls, Cougar Tail & Pelt, Dark Viper Skin, and a Turtle Shell.
Customization Costs: 30 GC - A whole lot of marking applicators & Opacity changers, A Sex Change, and a Skin Change! (Very Expensive Boy)
Starting Stats: 431
Costs Paid Off W/ Studdings: 10 GC, 600 SC ?? I lost track
Profit: ?