Accalia is a young pup traveling around to get world wide experience, and look for fun memories!
Rules for Accalia
~Feel free to breed her, and do whatever you want with the pups! If there are any you don't want, im willing to take a look and buy any ones that catch my eye!
~Add lore to her bio! She's here to collect memories, so write a couple sentences, feel free to make up something fun or magical!
~If you take a decour, replace it with decour of an equal price, this can be multiple cheap decours, or one of the same general price!
~If her food and entertainment drop too low, she'll wander home, so just make sure she isn't starving or bored
~Have fun, and feel free to pass her around 
1st Pack: Home Pack
Pack Name: Golden Moon Pack
Pack Leader Name: Aodhan
Player ID: #46900
Collections: I was born in a snowy place when leaves fell of the few existing bushes. My mom was a traveler from another pack, who was quite snippy but she loved me. She was always overprotective. My dad was the beta and stud of the pack. He always knew how i was feeling, so it was no suprise to him when i made the request to become a traveler. He was more than happy to allow me the right to explore the lands, but it was my mother who i really had to convince. She knew the dangers of the world. And she knew that i had a tendency to get my 4 paws into trouble. But both of us knew i wouldn't take no for an answer. I explained that i could hunt just as well as any adult wolf, i was an amazing stalker, with generations of hunting genes from my fathers side. It was this coaxing of my own skills that the packs hunters could attest too, that finally convinced her. Hesitantly she let me go. It was a beautiful, warm summer night when i took my first steps out of our territory. Not a cloud in the sky, and only the stars and wind to run along side me as i traveled off to find my new life, my free life.
2nd Pack:
Pack Name:
Pack Leader Name:
Player ID: