"Pffft, rabbit dung to the Phantom! Why wait when i can do it myself?"
Thatch , even at a young age, seems to have a gift for holding himself to his own standards. what those standards are however, remains to be seen. He's taken a great interest in following Argo around the territory when he can manage to, and has gotten into his fair share of trouble because of it. When unable to track down Argo, He's taken to flirting (or trying to anyway) with Marrow. These attempts usually result in her laughing at him, but at least it keeps them busy. When Marrow is unavailable, he takes to any poor stranger that happens to be passing by. Thankfully Honeysuckle, Specter or Burrow are never too far away, and can knock some sense into him when he gets a bit too wild.
Heès been appointed as a scout in an attempt to keep him busy, but, unknown to many in the pack, scouting gives him access to other.... friends as well.He's met many a wolf on his travels and also had his fair share trysts. Needless to say Thatch is having the time of his life.
Marrow has recently taken to pinning him down for some serious conversations lately, and while most of the pack isn't sure on what those conversations are about, they suspect it has something to do with Thatch's running amok. There's tension in the air and the pack is expecting an argument, at best, to break out.
Stats at
@ lv5 309 (forgot to record the specific stats)
LV 10 total of 400, stats were as follows, starting at strength; 117, 59, 73, 92, 59
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