This wolf is currently on a breeding cool down. She will be able to fall pregnant again in 10 rollovers! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
Prey, i first found her as fodder, me being me, saw an opportunity and took it, finding that her extra eye was very pretty and interesting!
soon i figured out a bigger issue with her, that might've also been one of the reasons she was foddered. she had a 1% survival chance.
this, for obvious reasons, stressed me out, i think she made my insomnia just that much worse since i was worrying over her, hopping for her to survive the next rollover without 100% survival rate, probably my most active days those 7 rollovers...
i did indeed cry one of the nights over her, she had stolen my heart, i've always bonded better with "runts" the one in the bunch that has less of a chance at survival, not a literal runt since she isn't one
all this to say, screw you Prey, i love you but man- you messed me up a bit