Buttercup is the daughter of her pack leader,
Owl. Her father is very fond of her, often saying how much she reminds him of her mother,
Buttercup was very happy puppy, she loved her littermate,
Snow, very much and they spent a lot of time getting into trouble together. She was usually the one to drag Snow along on her adventures.
Buttercup and Snow would often spend nights together under the stars where Buttercup would listen to normally quiet and respectful Snow's rants about her father and how much she wished she wasn't born with a silver marking. Buttercup thought her sister was beautiful and would be a great leader, though secretly wished she could lead. Sometimes she wonders if she was more beautiful like her sister if she would have been able to.
As adults Buttercup and her sister are rather distant. In fact, Buttercup doesn't get along very well with anyone in her family. She loves them and she tries her best, but they just don't seem to get along well. Her sister and her mother are always working themselves up into a frenzy acting as if the world is about to end. And her father is so busy with the pack he's almost never around.
She used to go out into their territory with her pups and visit the other dens, but when one of Snow's puppies was killed by a rival pack her mother forbid anyone but her father from coming and going from the leader's den.
Recently, now that her pups are older Buttercup has begun sneaking out under the cover of darkness and learning to hunt with the Lunar Threats. There's something a bit thrilling about being out in the middle of the dark forest with the lowest group in her pack. It's freeing. She even has a little crush on the lead hunter.