A weasel slinks into the clearing and you start to chase it. It dissapears into the brush safely. Your tail droops before hearing someone whining behind you. You turn around to find Jay being the source of the whining. As he licks his lips, he reassures you that you'll find and catch that weasel later today.
Jay was born to a dispersal wolf, along with 2 siblings, in the deciduous forest. His mother was accompanied by his aunt, which also helped with pup rearing.
His puphood was spent mostly travelling, since they were nomadic. Since the small group only had 2 adults, food was hard to catch. Despite this, both caretakers kept an optimistic outlook which influenced Jay's demeanor.
The group started to have some issues with wolf packs at the end of Jay's first year of life. When he reached the age of 2, he, along with his siblings, decided to disperse separately to avoid any wolf pack conflicts. Jay decided to go north, where he eventually stumbled into Midnight. He was curious about pack life and decided to join to know what it was like and, because of his nomadic lifestyle, chose to become a scout.