Bought for 1200


to change personality (Charming to Sneaky)
Starting Stats: 47, 39, 37, 35, 43 (201)
Level 2: +1 Max HP, +2 wisdom, +1 speed, +1 smarts, +0 agility, +0 strength (205)
Level 3: +1 Max HP, +3 wisdom, +2 speed, +1 smarts, +0 agility, +0 strength (212)
Level 4: +1 Max HP, +4 wisdom, +2 speed, +1 smarts, +0 agility, +1 strength (226)
Level 5: +1 Max HP, +4 wisdom, +3 smarts, +1 speed, +1 agility, +1 strength (236)
Level 6: +1 Max HP, +4 wisdom, +4 smarts, +2 agility, +1 speed, +1 strength (253)
Level 7: +1 Max HP, +6 smarts, +4 wisdom, +2 strength, +1 speed, +1 agility (280)
Level 8: +1 Max HP, +7 smarts, +5 wisdom, +2 strength, +1 speed, +1 agility (304)
Level 9: +1 Max HP, +8 smarts, +6 wisdom, +2 strength, +1 speed, +1 agility (332)
Level 10: +1 Max HP, +7 wisdom, +7 smarts, +2 strength, +2 speed, +2 agility (363)
Level 11: +1 Max HP, +8 wisdom, +7 smarts, +3 strength, +2 agility, +2 speed (398)