Hati (also known as "He Who Hates") is a giant wolf in Norse Mythology that hunts the moon, or known as the god, Máni. Hati's brother, Sköll (also known as "He Who Mocks"), hunts the sun, or the goddess known as Sól. Sköll and Hati are the sons of the giant wolf, Fenrir. It is prophesied that one day both wolves will catch their prey and this will trigger the beginning events of Ragnarök.
"Skoll is the name of the wolf
Who follows the shining priest
Into the desolate forest,
And the other is Hati,
Hróðvitnir's son,
Who chases the bright bride of the sky." —The Poetic Edda. Grímnismál, stanza 39
**Bought at the Trading Center on January 24, 2024 for 20,000 10 and Eye Applicator [Spectral] & Eye Applicator [Crotalus] at 2.5m Old** Purchase Proof Original Look
Began Studding Career on May 25, 2024 at 1y 0.5m Old Immortalized on October 31, 2024 at 7y 6.5m from Dynasty
Changes Made:
🔸Used Base Applicator [Caribou]
🔸Used Eye Applicator [Dark Eclipse]
🔸Used Sex Changer [Female to Male]
🔸Used Skin & Claw Changer [Black]
🔸Used Marking Applicators [Wraith], [Antumbra], [Crystal], [Umbra], [Achilles], [Peacock], [Streaks], & [Freckles]
🔸Used Personality Changer [Observant to Malicious] Total Studding Profit: 30,600 54