This wolf is currently nursing at least one puppy! She will wean her offspring in 1 rollover! This wolf is actively pupsitting - her energy regeneration is paused. This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
😡Lady Airam LIST AD offers you a cool drink of water collected on a broad leaf. How kind!
During the lesson: 😡Duchess Maria LIST AD frantically dug in the soft ground, able to smell the toy but not find it. A little upset, she kept trying for a long while, and Shade was impressed with such determination.
You approach 😡Lady Airam LIST AD to ask if they'd be willing to help an older wolf make a comfortable nest. Without hesitation they agree and trot off in the direction of the older wolf.
2/2/24 - During the lesson: With the carcass tied to a straw string, Shade pulled it to simulate prey movement. Lady Airam stalked and pounced on the "prey" successfully, and began to tear it apart before she was scolded to be more precise and not let food go to waste.
During the lesson: 😡Lady Airam LIST AD learned today how to avoid conflict by asking questions first rather than imply solutions. This made packmates feel included in decision making, which strengthened the bond of the entire pack.
😡Lady Airam LIST AD strikes up conversation, saying that they've brought you something to help ease your day-to-day burdens. You know 😡Lady Airam LIST AD well enough to know that it was carefully chosen with you in mind.
Lady Airam strikes up conversation, saying that they've brought you something to help ease your day-to-day burdens. You know Lady Airam well enough to know that it was carefully chosen with you in mind.
You approach Lady Airam to ask if they'd be willing to help an older wolf make a comfortable nest. Without hesitation they agree and trot off in the direction of the older wolf.
Lady Airam strikes up conversation, saying that they've brought you something to help ease your day-to-day burdens. You know Lady Airam well enough to know that it was carefully chosen with you in mind.