The Iron Queen
"Callista was found during the longest winter of Salem's reign, a scrawny orphan with a hideous temper. Salem, who had been unsuccessful at producing any blood heirs of her own, decided then that Callista's fire and vitality would make her a perfect future Alpha, and thus Callista was chosen as the next Alpha of the Saddle Creek Pack. Spirited and known for being particularly active during the dusk hours, Callista worked hard throughout her adolescence to earn her pack's trust and acceptance as their future Alpha.
Nobody quite knows where the sharp horns atop her head came from, nor if they were placed there as a curse, or if she is the product of some strange pairing between wolf and monster. Something is not right with the world as of late, and more strange and unsettling creatures are starting to emerge, blurring the lines between the natural world and the supernatural. The Iron Queen may be proof of that."
"This wolf has been leading Saddle Creek Pack since 2024-08-11 07:20:08."
Callista's Pack Bio
"In the wake of Alpha Salem's rule, her adopted daughter and heir to the throne, Callista, took to leading the pack through a long and treacherous winter. The world has changed, now, and with the humans and their influences left to rot, a new sort of world is coming to light. Magic is rampant, cities are crumbling, and the wilds are getting restless. As a result, the Saddle Creek Pack will need to rely on their new leader to get them through the imminent storm, or face the blizzard and break apart."