This wolf is currently nursing at least one puppy! She will wean her offspring in 2 rollovers! This wolf is currently on a pair bond cool down for 7 rollovers! She can't form a new pair bond until then! This wolf has not rolled over today and will not be able to be traded or gifted until its next rollover.
June 4, 2024. Eye App: Scallop. [Your chosen wolf blinks, as its eyes turn into mussel-like colour.] Pose: Motherly. [Your wolf now displays a new pose variant!]
May 1, 2024. Base App: Tempest. [Your chosen wolf growls with excitement. They have merged with the cryptids!]
April 24, 2024. Sex Changer. [Your chosen wolf sips the colourful ichor and lies down, suddenly exhausted. Their nap is long, and the dream they had was life-changing, to say the least.] Mark App in slots 1 & 2. [How dashing! Your chosen wolf admires the new pattern on their fur.]