It was a cold and lonely night when HalfMoon set out upon the normal patrol of his territory and found the battered and strange she-wolf along the tree-line of his territory. Wary of the unknown company, he carefully dragged her to a clearing far from his home cave and nursed her back to consciousness.
Upon her awakening, she was quick to challenge him, not knowing it was he who helped her. Calmly, he explained what happened and she slowly relaxed until she was ready to share her own story. Awed, HalfMoon could only feel impressed and inspired by her tale of the difficult feat of finding a home. He gladly extended his own home to her, submitting to her obviously stronger character; calling her Alpha would be no issue for a shy wolf like him.
207 Stats when created
40 STR
47 SPD
37 AGI
40 WIS
43 SMR
207 Total