During the lesson: After learning the basics in a familiar area, Onyx took Moolek MATE to train outside the den for a new, exciting challenge. Moolek MATE had to ambush Onyx using all the knowledge gathered so far and see how different it is in an unfamiliar area.
During the lesson: Moolek MATE leapt powerfully at Onyx and went for the thick fur under his neck. Onyx was faster and swatted Moolek MATE away, growling that going for the underside of the neck is only for killing, not for play.
Moolek MATE asks about your plans for today, speaking enthusiastically about what both of you are going to do. Before you know it, they've included themselves and you aren't even upset. It's going to be fun.
During the lesson: Moolek MATE lost her way and panicked for a while but was able to use Yang's advice and tips to find her way again. Even the most experienced scouts can get lost sometimes, and it was nothing to be ashamed of.