Kaduku Darkridge
▪︎ [ Keeper • Gamma Guardian • Educator ] ▪︎
▪︎ [ Upbeat, Proud, Loving, Compassionate ] ▪︎
• Mate: Ahsoka
• Parents: Kachuka & Alpha Dahuma
• Maternal Siblings in Pack: Katahuaga, Lada
• Best Friends: Katahuaga, Ahsoka
Autumn Y1, Age 0: Was born into the Blackmoon Rising pack by Kachuka & Alpha Dahuma.
Winter Y1, Age 0: Decided to become a Guardian when he grows up.
Spring Y2, Age 0: Grew into an adolescent.
Summer Y2, Age 0: ---
Autumn Y2, Age 1: Grew into an adult.
Spring Y2, Age 0: Grew into adolescence. Decided to become a Hunter when he grows up.
Summer Y2, Age 0: ---
Autumn Y2, Age 1: Grew into an adult. Decided to become a Guardian instead of a Hunter as he had originally planned. Ended the season at level 2.
Winter Y2, Age 1: Became friends with Chubwagu-Yimi. She almost immediately began flirting with him. He wasn't interested because he thought she was, well... ugly, but he didn't know how to turn her down politely so he just brushed off her advances. Ended the season at level 4.
Spring Y3, Age 1: His adolescent sister Katahuaga began hanging out with him more often, so he decided to help boost her confidence. Chubwagu-Yimi pressured him into going on an adventure with her, deep into the mountains. He was clumsy and slow, and she loudly expressed her disappointment with him, which severely irritated him. Thankfully for him, she quickly lost interest in him after that. Ended the season at level 4.
Summer Y3, Age 1-2: Ahsoka began flirting with him. He was very interested, unlike with Chubwagu. Was chosen by Ochoya to become the next Gamma Guardian. Ended the season at level 5.
Autumn Y3, Age 2: Became mates with Ahsoka. Ended the season at level 5.
Winter Y3, Age 2: Officially became Gamma Guardian after Ochoya retired. Proudly accepted the promotion.